What you'll learn?

  • Quadruple “A” of Individua/Organizational Responsibility and Resilience.
  • Forms Funeral and Eight “F”s of Managing Loss and Change.
  • Review and discuss in small groups the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Inventory.
  • Engage in small and large group discussion & drawing exercises to identify team and/or customer communication/conflict issues.
  • Engage in small and large group exercise/debrief to generate problem-solving strategies for previously identified communication/conflict issues.
  • Passion Power Model for leadership presence and communication.
  • Confronting Intimate FOE – Fear of Exposure – Exercise.
  • Discover the Stress Doc’s “Top Ten” strategies for building open and participatory, “Hi Task & Human Touch” teams.

Overview of the webinar

In today’s TNT – Time-Numbers-Technology/Transition – Distracted & Driven World clear, open, emotionally intelligent and effective team communication and conflict resolution are critical for productively engaging both team members and agency customers.  Using purposefully interactive small and large group exercises, this 1.5-hour work/playshop will illustrate basic conflict resolution styles.  Next, participants will engage in a Get FIT – Fun-Interactive-Thought-provoking – discussion & drawing team building exercise.  This exercise will enable participants to constructively identify barriers to productive team communication and collaboration, through small group discussion and team drawing as well as through large group “show and tell.”  Finally, small group role play and large group debrief will use the issues identified, to role play strategies (having both positive and negative problem-solving participants) for addressing the identified problem/conflict areas and strengthening creative collaboration.  Finally, the Stress Doc, will enumerate his “Top Ten” for Building High Task & Human Touch Teams.

Why should you attend?

Individuals, teams, and the organization as a whole benefit when you have hi-task and human touch communicators. These head and heart communicators not only know how to dynamically present ideas but, most important, encourage diverse and collaborative – “Helmet’s Off” – engagement and problem-solving. Systems become more real and risk-taking, creative and interactive communities when leaders know how to “say it and engage it.”

Who Will Benefit?

About the speaker

Mr. Mark Gorkin

Years of Experience: 5+ years

Mark Gorkin, MSW, LICSW, "The Stress Doc" ™, a nationally acclaimed speaker, popular webinar educator, writer, and "Motivational Psychohumorist" ™. Mark is a founding partner and Stress Resilience and Trauma Debriefing Consultant for the Nepali Dia